Introduction of natural granite

- Aug 17, 2017-

Natural granite is igneous, also called acidic crystalline plutonic, is the most widely distributed rock in igneous rocks, belongs to the hard stone, consists of feldspar, quartz and mica, its composition is mainly silica, about 60%-75%, rock hard and dense, according to its crystalline particle size can be divided into "Wei-jing", "coarse crystal" and "fine crystal" three kinds.

The quality of granite depends on the mineral composition and structure, the quality of granite, crystalline particles are fine and uniform, mica content is less and quartz more, and does not contain pyrite, granite is not easy to weathering and deterioration, the appearance of color can be maintained for more than a century, so much for the wall foundation and exterior wall finishes, because granite hardness is high, wear-resistant, so also often used in advanced.