Marble crystal face care

- Mar 21, 2018-

The most effective, most lasting and most economical nursing method for marble maintenance is the crystal face care, and the crystal surface care will not hurt the stone surface.

Crystal surface care agent is not polished or polished powder, nor has many functions such as renovation, repair and other functions like other products. It is only a long-term maintenance care product. It has four functions: Hardened, light added, anti slip and remove stains. From the scientific point of view: the crystal face care process is actually a kind of chemical reaction, the crystal surface agent and stone material (calcium carbonate) due to chemical reaction, when chemical reaction occurs, the lime surface after heating machine pressure and heat hardening, the steel silk transfer, forming light and hard calcium the glass surface. The other role of the wire cotton is to remove some of the stains on the ground and absorb it in the steel wire, which has a clean effect.

Every time with crystal surface agent in the area of 2 square meters to prevail, step by step polishing, crystal face agent is not overdo sth., whenever the machine grinding dry stone, a glass light was immediately shut down, otherwise with heat generated by excessive friction damage, become the anti effect, especially in the white stone what.

Matters needing attention:

1. use clean steel wire and 100 clean pads.

2. brought the matter to a close, a glass stone light should immediately stop.

3. the best use of neutral surface agent, neutral refurbishment pulp.

Stone daily maintenance crystal hard treatment: This is the best maintenance method, as long as the conditions are obtained, we should try this way.

Tools and materials: stone care machine, red scouring pad, watering can, dust mop, surface maintenance agent, hard crystalline powder.

Daily maintenance:

1-2 times a week, stone care machine with 100 pad, clean or washed on the ground, spray a small amount of crystal maintenance agent or crystal hard powder (crystal hard powder must add water, water volume is determined according to humidity, when the weather is dry, the amount of water should be more. ) 1-2 grams per square meter.

Apply it with a stone nursing machine and then polish it to light.  Finally, push the dust off the ground with dust. Shotcrete should be divided into 1-2 square meters per section. Cleaning pad should be kept clean. When it is covered with too much powder, it will affect the effect. If it is stained with dirt, turn it on the other side. Until the two sides are stained, replace the new one. According to the work area, with sufficient clean pad, the contamination should be washed and dried only after the use.

In smooth and dark ground, it is better to use litter pad instead of steel wire mat, but we should notice that the ground is not smooth, or steel wire mat will stain the ground.

Local maintenance: in the middle of the doorway and people to walk in the middle of the road to lay waterproof mat to prevent sand scraping the crystal surface.

1-2 times a month to the local maintenance, first plane maintenance agent into the watering can, shake even spare. The stone nursing machine combined with red cleaning pad or steel wire mat is sprayed on the clean or washed stone surface with crystal face care agent, and ground evenly with stone nursing machine (about 1-2 square meters), and then slowly and evenly dry, so that it can be seen bright. Do it in such a paragraph.

Pay attention to the surface of the maintenance agent on the ground should be evenly worn, such as the discovery of an uneven place to leave shadow, and then add a small amount of regrinding. At the beginning, the pads are dry and should be added a few more crystal maintenance agents, and then a little less.

If the working area is large, two stone nursing machines should be used as a group, one is responsible for the distribution and one is responsible for polishing, and the efficiency and effect are obviously improved. Finally, push the ground powder clean with dust.