Stone baseboard

- Jan 31, 2018-

It is located in the wall and the floor connection

Is a kind of special protection kicking the wall area

The establishment of decorative lines

Modern houses are getting more and more minimalist

Some think that the baseboard is a visual burden, can be exempt from

So baseboard should not be installed in the end it?

After reading the decision or not to play baseboard it!

2 baseboard style


The soul of the door is the height, the baseboard of the soul is also a high degree. Domestic standard baseboard height is 8cm, this height is mediocre, if the use of baseboard material is not good, very low.

Foreign houses, baseboard height is generally high, at least in more than 15cm, and some even 20cm, of course, this is also with their higher level design. Domestic general level of the house is not that high, but to do 12cm or 15cm is completely no problem.

2 modeling

Compared with the height of the problem, the shape is more easily overlooked. The door is a styling, skirting the best line with the door to design, so that the entire space will be more harmonious and smooth.

A modeling baseboard style


Baseboard in the end with the door to buy or buy together with the floor tiles, with the door close to the color is good, or close to the ground with good color? The answer to this question there are many, 17cn Xiaobian I give a few examples to reference.

1. As with the door, the sense of lateral extension is stronger.

2. And the ground, or wave line, the more obvious distinction between the wall and the ground.

3. And the walls are not the same ground, with similar colors for baseboard, both harmonious and rich space.

3. Baseboard types

Baseboard in addition to more than style, the material selection is more important. The common baseboard in the market are the following four kinds:

The advantages of stone baseboard with its wear resistance is relatively strong, and cost-effective, and now many of the home decoration in the floor are the choice of stone decoration.

One stone baseboard can be divided into marble and artificial stone. Marble high grade, high cost. Artificial stone plasticity, color variety, texture is inferior to marble. Use of its natural texture and echoes with other decorations, played a very good decorative effect.