Analysis Of Japan Stone Status

- Jan 31, 2018-

Export data comparison between blocks and sheets in 2007 and 2016 and 2017 (granite block, sheet)

* East Japan: Yokohama, Tokyo, Chiba, Tsukuba, Kashima, Hitachi Port

* West Japan: Osaka, Kobe, Mizushima, Fukuyama, Matsuyama, Takamatsu, Imabari Port

Huangliao, the top export sheet metal is in 2007. Among them, 99.7% of the export targets are China.

The total volume of exports in 2007 was 56,039 tons. 31,898 tonnes in 2016, 56.9% of the peak.

Although the performance has not been very good so far, the export volume has slightly increased this year.

As of September last year, the export volume was 21,309 tonnes, compared with 25,394 tonnes for the year (September). An increase of 9.2% (4085 tons). Mizushima's exports increased 23.6% over the previous year. Yokohama, Tokyo Port's exports also have increased. The beginning of this summer started the storage management fee for Mizushima Port, so the impact on exports was not reflected in the figure. It is also unclear how the idea of hoping to offer better products in this shrinking market has come to a consensus in the industry.

In addition, one trend that can be seen from the data is that the Kanto (export volume) has actually not lagged far behind the Kanto exports compared with the exports from Kansai ports.

Yokohama, Tokyo, Chiba, Tsukuba, Kashima, Hitachi Port blocks, exports of plates Total:

17,715 tons in 2007 and 11,931 tons in 2016 (67.3% in 2007)

Osaka, Kobe, Mizushima, Fukuyama, Matsuyama, Takamatsu and Imabari Total exports:

34,540 tons in 2007, compared with 17,811 tons in 2016 (51.5% in 2007)

From this data, it can be inferred that stone species in relatively inexpensive areas such as Ibaraki and Fukushima are also likely to circulate in western Japan.

So far, finishing on the data come to an end.