The Exhibition Of Xiamen Stone Testify To The Color Difference Of The Stone More Noble Again!

- Mar 12, 2018-

Xiamen Stone Fair has ended, as the world's largest exhibition, exhibitors of the exhibition must be very strict, Nadechushou are fine.

After the stone exhibition, I found a reason: the stone road is priceless! No color, no change is cheap! Because the natural stone is a natural flow of magma through high temperature, pre cooling, cold formed through millions of years, each piece of stone is the nature of life is extraordinary as if done by the spirits, is the individual. With different colors, textures and texture, it is particularly precious.

The cross section of natural stone, the color, texture and texture of each surface are different, and it is paved with nature, change and high end.

In the early days, some people, after being accustomed to the pure color wall, had a resistance to the new stone decoration with unique texture, so stone color difference was not good. But now everyone and the pursuit of noble quality, if the use of cheap and unattractive, the monotony of the wallpaper, tiles and other materials to decorate the house, the pattern is very monotonous, apparently repeated false and inflexible, long easy visual fatigue, but also in the case of no map details and connotation, and natural stone, through the irregular lines of art.

The more high-end and solemn place, the more expensive the designer is. The more demanding the material texture, texture and details are, the more we want to use natural stone with color difference and irregular texture.

Nowadays, people are more and more fond of the texture and texture of natural stone, which is to bring their natural beauty to their home and decorate their lives. Actually, it's a reason to grow flowers, plants and grass at home.

Don't say that the color difference is bad

Are you looking for two pieces of the same stone plate?

This is the charm of natural stone

Refusing the color difference is to reject the tide

In the progressive society, I hope that your choice is also progressing!