Grey Marble

- Mar 08, 2018-

The so-called Yunnan marble, marble alias, also known as the "Yunnan Stone" or "aragonite" and "Cang Shi", is endemic to the Yunnan Cangshan stone, chemical composition of crystalline gray carbonate

Marble is the gift of nature of human art, its natural texture, or clouds, or landscape, or flowers, is greatly in different poses and with different expressions.

The so-called Yunnan marble, marble alias, also known as the "Yunnan Stone" or "aragonite" and "Cang Shi", is endemic to the Yunnan Cangshan stone, chemical composition of crystalline gray carbonate, by limestone after thousands of years of geological changes into the magnificent pictographic patterns, compared with the Italy marbles you Sheng a hundred times. According to the relevant literature, the Tang Dynasty, a marble very few records, song Ou Yangxiu, Su Dongpo although there are more good poems in Shiping, but these are the Henan Guo Shiping stone, non genuine marble. When the Yuan Dynasty, although there are "phosphorus Shiping tree shade," poetry, but the real spread to northern China, and spread to overseas, but after the Ming Dynasty.

The appreciation of marble, exquisite color. Marble color can be divided into two kinds of color and white. The so-called white, refers to the stone pure white as snow, without any little color. Only in this way, the picture is especially coloring. But most of the ordinary people see the light gray, this color, used to support the scenery of wind and rain, rain and snow, can also play a double effect. The color is black, yellow, green, brown, red, green, etc. and various colors, this is because in the marble containing iron and clay and other impure things. But the most distinctive of them is pale green. However, at the time, transport scarce marble under difficult circumstances, such as having a clear picture of the screen, no confusion, is commendable.