How to remove the gum pollution on the stone?

- Mar 09, 2018-

The trace of gum is a kind of pollution often encountered on the stone. This kind of material is very common, and the pollution has become a small city problem. For example, searching for "gum pollution" online can get a lot of related news.

The chewing gum residue is difficult to clean because it is a kind of glue based material. It is difficult to break down this component in ordinary cleaning materials. Therefore, it will be stubbornly stranded in the surface and micropores of the stone, leaving a trace.

The next little editor introduced a case, with VD stone removal of oil removing glue to clean up, can achieve good results.

Gum pollution on the stone surface stone

Step one: with the shovel blade, scraped off part of the surface can be scraped off.

Step two: apply a proper amount of VD stone to remove oil and glue.

Step three: use this relatively rough small round pad for cleaning.

Step four: after cleaning, rinse with clean water.

Step five: you can wipe a towel with a towel and then dry it.

Step six: clean up the effect. Stone can be restored to its original appearance.

Summary: VD stone removing and degumming agent is a professional stone removing product. It can effectively decompose the adhesive based material, and it does not pollute the stone.

General gum pollution, tape pollution, and oil pollution, can be well removed.

This is an experiment on the stone surface stone. Hair is easy to remove pollution on the surface, the gum more be nothing difficult.